A few words about this blog...

On February 27th I was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductual carcinoma to be exact). I will be using this blog to provide updates on my treatment. I am getting treatment in California rather than London, so I am affectionately calling this relocation my “cancer-cation” (you know the stay-cation and vacation…but I will be on cancer-cation here in LA/SB for the next 6 months or so)! I am grateful to all of my friends and family who are joining me on this journey.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Chemo Countdown...(Click here)

Well it has been almost one week since Chemo 4.  As you know, my chemo 4 was pushed back one week due to my platelet count being only 80.  We were a little worried about that, but decided that we should just say, hey, this is a bonus week where I get to feel a bit better... and I did enjoy the week - it was great to have more energy than usual. 

I was very nervous when I went in for my labs for chemo 4 (take two) - if you ask Chris, he will let you know that I was a bit grumpy as well, but would you believe that when my labs came back they showed that my count was 240!! So my platelets went from 80 to 240.  A normal level is from 160 up.  I saw on the lab report that they even had the lab recheck my count to reconfirm that my count was indeed 240!  The nurses said that one week can make that big of a difference, but I think I am just back to being a superstar patient!

I was really thankful to Carolyn for being my buddy at chemo 4 (take two) last week.  She picked me up and even carried the infamous blue and pink ice chest!  Now that they know that I don't have any bad reactions to my drugs, they can administer some of the drips a bit faster.  We were in at 10am and then out around 2pm.  This is much better than the previous in at 9am and out at 3:30 or 4pm!

I do feel like this last round of chemo has slowed me down more that the previous few rounds. I suppose that there is some cumulative effect.  I seem to have more fatigue than usual and my tummy is slightly more unsettled, but nothing unbearable.  I have actually stayed home all day today to rest and take it easy (but I did sit outside on the patio and get a few minutes of beautiful Santa Barbara sun!).  And I am so thankful for the support I have received over the past two weeks.  A number of friends have had me over for dinner this week (Ted & Stef, Cami & Mindy, and Debbie and Paul) - I REALLY appreciated this since my motivation to cook was pretty low - and of course my spirits were raised by spending time with such lovely friends!  Actually, I really scored this past week, because Martha also brought me over some chicken soup early in the week and I was able to enjoy dinner out at Carlito's later in the week with Martha and Tim (I just want to say that I looked particularly questionable that night as I hadn't slept well and had a really crappy day - my eyes were VERY red and puffy - I think I truly looked like a cancer patient that night - but I made it out and nobody turned in terror when they saw the wig lady with scary eyes!).  Many thanks to Martha and Tim for treating me to a much-needed night out of the house!

I have decided to start a chemo countdown - since I am now over the chemo "hump' so to speak. I have just two chemos left (June 23 and July 14th)! Hooray! That means in 36
 days I will finish up my main chemo.  I say main chemo because one of my drugs - Herceptin (which targets Her-2 positive breast cancer which is what I have) - will have to continue to be administered to me every three weeks for about 9 more months.  Luckily there are few side effects from Herceptin so it should be a much easier regimen.  But, we need things to celebrate along this rather long journey - so we celebrate 36 days until I finish my main chemo! Chris gets here on July 3rd so we may have to have a little pre-party! 

Even though I am feeling slightly off, I am trying to get my regular exercise in (I can't bear to lose my hair and my muscle mass!). So I am doing my best to stay somewhat in shape.  I even told Chris that I will ride bikes with him when I get back to London (in the parks, not on those crazy streets!).

To close out this entry, I want to recognize my friend Mindy. She is a brave, brave lady. She is the first person to accept my generous offer (or challenge?) to try my stinky Chinese tea!  I think that the photos here capture that - like fine wine, it is an acquired taste...Go Mindy!

"Hey Cami, get a photo of this, Mindy is up for trying the stinky tea!"

"You are gonna like this!"
"OK, this looks pretty, um, well gross..."
"WOW! That is crazy stuff! Will I ever get rid of this taste on my tongue?"

"The things I do for my friends!"

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