A few words about this blog...

On February 27th I was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductual carcinoma to be exact). I will be using this blog to provide updates on my treatment. I am getting treatment in California rather than London, so I am affectionately calling this relocation my “cancer-cation” (you know the stay-cation and vacation…but I will be on cancer-cation here in LA/SB for the next 6 months or so)! I am grateful to all of my friends and family who are joining me on this journey.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chemo Postponed...

Just a quick update to let everyone know that because my platelet count was a bit low (80 and they want it to be at least 100), they have postponed my chemo to next Tuesday...disappointing but the safe thing to do I suppose.

Thanks again everyone for your support!



  1. Hey Jodi! What exactly is platelet count? Is 100 a goal count for while you are undergoing treatment or for forever? Sorry... I have absolutely ZERO medical background... I did take biology in college though!

  2. Hi Dani, Sorry for the slow reply! I just posted some info on the platelets, but normal is 160 or higher. 100 is the minimum they use to administer chemo.
